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- Contour Balance Dental Laboratory | Digital Dental Lab
ContourBalance - Leaders in the digital dental design industry. Top of Page Leaders in the digital dental design industry ContourBalance has the experience and capabilities to handle your case. New Customer Form Our Story We started Contour Balance with one premise: to provide every Doctor with a quality restoration at a fair price. Our Vision You deserve a great fit, with excellent aethestics from people who care Technology Providing a range of quality trusted products with simple fees using feedback from trusted Doctor's like you. What sets ContourBalance Apart? How it works Step 1: Fill out New Customer Request Form. (Scroll Down). A member of our set up team will contact you to complete your new account set up. Step 2: Let's make your iOS Connection. Use our Resources Tab above or click HERE for instructions on how to add your specific scanner. If you don't see your scanner listed a member of our team can assist via Chat. Testimonials Contour Balance was the best referral I got in 2021. New Customer Request Form Fill out the New Customer Request form below. Please enter your name, email and contact information. First name* Last name* Email* Phone* Practice Name* Write a message Submit support@contourbalance.com Tel: 800-673-5648 26207 Oak Ridge Dr Ste A Spring TX 77380-1960
- About Us | ContourBalance
Top of Page Learn about the ContourBalance team These are the folks that make your dental design needs come to life. Meet the Team Our core team has more than 100 years of combined experience in the industry Ryan Jacquelyn a.k.a Queen Bee Kevin “Every Doctor deserves a quality restoration at a fair price from people who care” Jason Stacie Follow us! What can we do for you? Click below to see an overview of our products and services Our Services Request demo To schedule a product demo with one of our product consultants, please fill in your contact details First name* Last name* Email* Phone* Practice Name* Write a message Submit support@contourbalance.com Tel: 800-673-5648 26207 Oak Ridge Dr Ste A Spring TX 77380-1960
- How To Guide | ContourBalance
How To.... ...take a shade photo
- Custom Services | ContourBalance
Top of Page ContourBalance Custom Services Let us case plan with you today! We understand that there's different needs for different patients. Which is why we cater to your individual needs. Choice We know that you have a choice when it comes to your laboratory services. We consider ourselves an extension of your office and take pride in every case. Precision We utilize some of the industries newest technology and stay up-to-date to support your needs Finish We spare no expense with our finishing techniques. Although we would love to share our trade secrets, we have to keep some things close to the hip Ready to start? Submit Your Case Testimonials I love their esthetic zirconia. Don’t tell them I said this, but they should charge more. Need the quality without the cost? See our Model Free page. Model Free
- The Blog | ContourBalance
Check back soon Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.
- Model Free Services | ContourBalance
Top of Page ContourBalance Model Free Services Modelless Cases Contact our customer service team to set up your preferences. Speed We have capabilities to support turn around times that you need. We all have had that patient that is getting 6 anterior crowns and is leaving end of the week out of country for 3 months. If we can do it, we will. Detail We will set up and dial in your digital design settings making cases predictable and accurate. Let’s reduce seat times together. Savings No hidden fees. We have modeless savings. Request a product demo for more info Ready to start? Submit Your Case Testimonial I love their aesthetic zirconia. Don’t tell them I said this, but they should charge more. View Our Custom Pro Services Custom Services
- Connect Scanner | ContourBalance
Top of Page How to send your digital case Select your scanner below for instructions on how to connect your scanner to our lab Connection Instructions iTero 1. Call iTero customer service – 1-800-577-8767 2. Select option 1 3. Request that Contour Balance Dental Lab is added to your scanner by using the Lab ID: 91421 4. After Contour Balance has been added you must restart your scanner software for the changes to take effect. 5. When sending files you can now select Contour Balance as your lab. Medit Medit scanner integration 1. Go to www.meditlink.com, log in, and selet "Partners" on the left sidebar. 2. Under "Search for Partners" type in "Contour Balance Dental Lab" and click "Search" 3. Confirm correct lab by the address and select "Request Partnership" 4. Click "Request Partnership" on details pop up to confirm. 5. Click "Confirm" to finalize adding Contour Balance to your scanner. Contour Balance will now be listed as a partner within the Medit software Dexis To invite a Laboratory to be a Partner, follow these steps: Login to Dexis as a Dentist. In the toolbar, click the people icon . In the Partners window, click Invite a partner. In the Email field, enter the email address of the Laboratory. (digital@contourbalance.com) In the Message box, either leave the default text or write your own message. Click Send. The invitation message is sent to the Laboratory and a Partner entry is created in the list of Partners. When the Laboratory logs in to Dexis, the Partners button displays an icon notification of people with an exclamation point. This means that when the Laboratory clicks the Partners button, an invitation is displayed that can be accepted or declined. Sirona/Cerec/Primescan 1. Go to www.customer.connectcasecenter.com and click on "My Favorite Contractors" in the left sidebar. 2. Click on the search icon to the right of the "Search Recipient" field 3. Select "Search Direct" and enter "Contour Balance" in the name field. Confirm lab by zip code (77386) and city (Spring) 4.Click on the plus (+) icon to add the lab to your list 5. Click "Confirm" to finalize. Contour Balance will now appear on your list of recipients. Trios Enrollment First name* Last name* Email* Phone* Practice Name* Write a message Submit
- Feedback | ContourBalance
Chair Side Feedback Case Number* Contacts Just right Too light Light Tight Very tight Occlusion Just right Tight Very tight Open Too Open Shade Just right Too light Too Dark Overall Rating Additional Comments Submit
- Rx Download | ContourBalance
Download our Rx RX2024 Download 2-01-24.pdf
- Clear Aligners | ContourBalance
Clear Aligners Have a case to send? Click on the Live Chat to get in touch with a Dental Technician
- Services | ContourBalance
ContourBalance offers a wide variety of services & Products Scroll down to see how we can help fulfill your dental design needs Learn about all the services ContourBalance has to offer Get details on the services we offer. Be sure to check out our Model-less Service pages too! Model-Less Services Full Contour Zirconia Ready to get started? Submit a case! Submit a Case New Customer Form Fill out the New Customer Request form below. Please enter your name, email and contact information. First name* Last name* Email* Phone* Practice Name* Write a message Submit support@contourbalance.com Tel: 800-673-5648 26207 Oak Ridge Dr Ste A Spring TX 77380-1960
- Contact Us | ContourBalance
Yes, you are in the right place!! fill out the form below. Forever Smile Retainers Get in touch! Here you can submit your case, or ask us any questions you may have. One of our customer service representatives will respond within one business day. First name* Last name* Email* Phone* Practice Name* Write a message Submit Follow Us! support@contourbalance.com (800) 673-5648 26207 Oak Ridge Dr Ste A Spring TX 77380-1960